Workouts for men

Workouts for men

How to do an exercise program

An effective training plan is carried out individually. Consider your personal goals, age, body type, diet, training time and other factors.If you’re already training, achieve results, don’t hurt, and don’t lose motivation, keep the system of your choice. If you make a mistake or you are a novice athlete, you can use our recommendations.

How much exercise should I do?

How to do an exercise program

Experts recommend exercising 2-3 times a week for beginners. Remember: muscles don’t grow in the gym, they grow between workouts, so allow your body to recover 1-3 days after your workout.


In Norway, 1840 handball players were divided into two groups. For eight months, one group warmed up for training and the other did not.

How much exercise should I do?

The test results showed that the first group suffered twice as many injuries as the second group. In addition to adding heat:

  • Stimulates the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Increases lung ventilation and oxygen saturation in the body.
  • Increases body temperature and the rate of physiological reactions.
  • increased ligament elasticity;
  • Reduces pressure on articular cartilage.
  • Increases muscle endurance.
  • Increases attention and concentration.

According to researchers at the University of North Carolina, the pump-style dynamic layout is perfect for warming up like weight squats, lunges and burpees. Static stretching exercises should not be included in the heat. This reduces the effectiveness of the exercise by 8.4%.
The thermal intensity gradually increases. The duration is 5-10 minutes. The interval between warm-up and exercise should not exceed 5 minutes.

How to Write an Exercise Program: Basic Principles

See also  Workouts for women

Each exercise must include at least one exercise for:

  • front of the thigh – quadriceps;
  • back of the thigh – gluteal and biceps femoris;
  • plural;
  • bank press;
  • Pull by hand.